5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column: Take the Black Pill

Actually, the comments are going to be all about those “racist” posters in one Toronto neighbourhood, telling people to go read Taki’s!

As I’ve been saying…

There are going to be more Mexicans and Muslims in America four years from now than there are today. Lefties are going to be as energized by Trump as they were under Reagan and Bush. What happens when Trump invents a new federal department, pardons Hillary, and/or underbuses Milo?

“Nobody votes for Trump or likes Trump on the basis of policy positions,” said the Dangerous Faggot himself. “That’s a misunderstanding of what the Trump phenomenon is.”

But what if Yiannopoulos was one of those misunderstanders too? And the “Trump phenomenon” was really about The Donald saying anything he had to in order to get elected president, just like any other politician?