5 Feet of Fury

I’m just gonna repeat what I’ve been saying all along

I’ll say it again: I don’t trust Trump on the First and Second Amendments.

The First, because his reflexive reaction to Garland, Texas was, “Why are they drawing those cartoons anyhow?”

Now, even Pamela Geller herself was cheering Trump on, so maybe it’s none of my business.

And people have said to me, “But Kathy, someone probably explained to him that he was wrong about that, and he’s learned.”

You shouldn’t have to learn that everybody can draw whatever they want, ESPECIALLY cartoons targeting your mortal enemy.

An on the Second Amendment because Trump is still a New York City liberal.

I hate him on eminent domain/Kelo. (Kelo is the second worst decision in my lifetime after Roe…)

So does/did Michelle Malkin, from whom I first learned this stuff, but again, she voted for Trump if only (if I understand correctly) it was more of a #NeverHillary ballot.

(Negan voice:) There is gonna be some Big Government shit coming down, people.

(Whereas I would abolish Social Security…)

I’ve written about all this way before he announced.


If you are shocked by tonight’s results, you. Haven’t. Been. Paying. Attention.

I have no patience with morons at the best of times but this year has been especially trying.

You just don’t get it and never will, because you are in the wrong class, and like race or religion, that is bone deep.

This is tribal.

Today I make more money than both my parents put together times at least two. I love sushi and Starbucks. I’ve read thousands of books and watch movies with subtitles.

But I will always be white trash deep down and as much as I strove to get as far away from those people as possible, I still get annoyed on their behalf.

In The Thing, they figure out who is “infected” by jolting a sample of everyone’s blood with electricity:

If you’ve been taken over, the infected blood leaps out of the petri dish in revolt when it’s shocked.

Normally, blood doesn’t have a brain or nerve endings, obviously — except in this case, it does, because it is more than just blood.

It is “the Thing” itself, alive and, now, infuriated and ready to take creaturely shape, the better to kill whoever has harmed it.

That’s how I felt when Hillary called Trump supporters “deplorables” and so on.

Hell, I AM a deplorable. I write for fucking Taki’s! Guilty as charged and then some.

By the liberal definition, I AM a racist, sexist, homophobic Muslim-hater.

(So what?)

But still:

As an older saying than any movie goes:

Her comments, and every similar comment by every Hillary supporter, got my blood up…


I’m old. I remember how Ronald Reagan was going to blow up the world and when I wasn’t marching in the streets, thinking that would stop him from doing it, I was secretly hoping he would.

I remember how Pope Ratzinger was going to be this heartless fascist with no pastoral instincts. (We used to call him “Cardinal Nosferatu.”)

I grew up and learned that Richard Nixon, the guy who is so right wing (and oddly witty) in Witness, the man still hated by the left, was the same “conservative” who brought you the EPA and wage and price controls (???) and other liberal crap.


Trump supporters, prepare to be disappointed.

(Your crappy factory jobs are probably not coming back, and you wouldn’t and couldn’t buy a $10,000 iPhone anyhow…)

(I believe he will pardon Hillary, a la Ford/Nixon…)

And detractors? Be prepared to be pleasantly surprised.

Right now though?

Congratulations to Steve Sailer and everyone at VDare.com, Scott Adams, Ann Coulter, Gavin McInnes, Dinesh DeSouza (sp?), Pat Buchanan, Milo, Paul Joseph Watson, Right Side Broadcasting (buy new music, guys though), my new personal Jesus, poll expert Bill “Monster Vote” Mitchell, and everyone else who I’m still to out of it to remember right now.

I haven’t stayed up this late since Bush’s reelection night, and I haven’t finished my first coffee.

And this feels so goddam good:

Fuck all you know-it-all idiots on the right, and no-nothing idiots on the left.