5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: Violence in the Name of Compassion

Jim Goad writes:

Sickeningly hypocritical anti-Trump violence committed in the name of fighting some nebulous, dimwitted, and unquantifiable notion of “hate” has become so tiresome that one might be excused for feeling a temporary flash of desire to respond with unforgiving and grievously excessive force. (…)

It’s clear who’s picking the fight here. It’s also clear who’s getting blamed for picking the fight. It’s also clear that for the most part, only one side is actually fighting. But turning the other cheek does not seem to be an effective strategy for the other side. If you’re going to get blamed anyway, I don’t see the downside in indulging at least the temporary pleasure of fighting back. If that qualifies as “hate,” then let there be hate.