5 Feet of Fury

Joe Bob Briggs: Why I’m Suing Vanderbilt University

Joe Bob Briggs writes:

Maybe you missed this little item, but last month Obama shut down 130 colleges in a single day. (…)

And then there’s the second reason for shutting down ITT Tech: The recruiters at the various campuses “misled students about their job prospects.”

People graduated and didn’t get a job. Many of them are now suing ITT Tech to get their money back, or their loans wiped out, or some combination of the two.

I have to say, I’m appalled that ITT Tech didn’t have the courtesy to post a Daddy Warbucks in the wings of the auditorium so that students could be hired as they descended the commencement stage. And in solidarity with the now-forever-screwed alumni, I am this week formally filing suit against my own alma mater, Vanderbilt University, which, now that I think about it, not only didn’t get me a job, but didn’t train me for anything remotely resembling a marketable skill.