5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: Whiteness, the Original Sin

Jim Goad writes:

As I’ve said many times but will keep saying until it seeps into everyone’s impossibly thick skulls, the most powerful political weapon is guilt. It can disable entire populations without a single shot being fired. Apparently those who are constantly injecting the collective white unconscious with guilt serum are deathly afraid of what white people could accomplish if they were to toss their “invisible knapsacks” of imaginary guilt into the nearest river.

Modern white people are in thrall to a massive collective guilt complex the likes of which the world may have never known. I’d be fascinated to see historical precedents of entire populations being brainwashed into self-hatred merely for being more successful and technologically advanced than other groups. Whichever team wins the World Series this year, I doubt they’ll chalk it up to “unearned privilege.”