5 Feet of Fury

How The Damned Changed the Face of Punk With Their First Song, ‘New Rose’

Tim Sommer writes:

The 1970s was a more pointillist time, where us fans/squirrels dug little holes, and tried to find every nut, juicy and dry, that existed within that particular sock of earth. So identity mattered; the idea of Punk Rock mattered.

Punk Rock was electric in our hearts. It contained the DNA of earlier obsessions—the Who, the Kinks, the Stooges, the Dolls, Nuggets-style garage rock—and provided an immediate identity for those of us who sought something to set us apart from the flares and feathered hair that made the mid-1970s such an atrocity.

Punk Rock mattered, not just for those of us who remember life before Punk Rock, but also for everything that came after in the cultural landscape. So noting the release of the first true British Punk Rock record is deeply important.