5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: ‘His reply gave me the opportunity to quote someone in Takimag saying, ‘I can’t be quoted in Takimag”

David Cole writes:

Young Mytheos’ reply starkly illustrates that the reality detachment exhibited by Trump denouncers is shared by some Trump cheerleaders as well. The man actually thinks he’ll survive his endorsement unscathed because he made it in an “intellectual” and nonracist way. Yet he also thinks it could do unspeakable damage to his life to be quoted here. Word to the youthfully unwise, Mytheos: Being quoted in Taki’s is going to be the least of your troubles. No one on the left is going to give a shit that you supported Trump “intellectually,” just as no one on the left is going to cut any slack to the conservatives and Republicans currently jumping ship. You’re all Hitler. You’re all Ted Bundy. You’re all toast.