5 Feet of Fury

James E. Miller on the clown epidemic: An outlet for bored, bullied white Millennials?

James E. Miller writes:

Even at the high school level, the PC regime is strong. Just imagine you’re an average white male student in America. Media elites undermine you constantly. Your school is a weird social experiment where sexual minorities are mollycoddled. You can’t utter a word in class without the shrill shriek of harpies silencing your voice. And if you happen to live in a part of the country racked with globalization, your family and neighbors might be stuck in a deadly cycle of drug use and empty excuses.

So what do you do? You dress up as the villain from It and you sit on the street corner, because what else is there besides Schlitz and weed? And with a Hollywood reboot just around the corner, all the better to take advantage of a well-known and well-feared character.

Maybe the same impulse that breeds Juggalos?