5 Feet of Fury

I knew ‘Sex In the City’ was horrible, but this is too much

Never watched it. Never had to. Mark Twain said, “You don’t have to eat an egg to know it’s rotten,” and that’s good enough for me.

But still:

A lot more whimsy got integrated into clutch design during the 1960’s, which allowed them to be both accessible for the common woman and, if not quite as glamorous, at least as glittery as they were in the 1930’s. New shiny synthetic fabrics were used to produce them en masse. By the 1970’s, Judith Lieber popularized the idea of covering a clutch entirely in rhinestones. Those rhinestone bags remained immensely popular through the 80’s, 90’s and approximately until Carrie Bradshaw responded to Mr. Big’s gift of a Judith Lieber bag with abject horror in the 2000s. Interestingly, that design was born because the gold plating on one of Lieber’s bags came back from the factory damaged. She used the rhinestones to cover the imperfection. And regardless of what Carrie thought, Lieber’s rhinestone covered bags are still around today, and retail for around $5,000.

“Abject horror”?

I knew that character had lousy taste but wtf??

Anyone is welcome to gift me with a Leiber bag (and/or pillbox) at any time, thanks.

If I could afford to, I’d have one of each, in their own specially designed wall display.

There is a Judith Leiber store in the lobby of one of the hotels in Vegas. Going there was more exciting than my marriage ceremony.