5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter: Trump Busts Muslim Protection Racket

Ann Coulter writes:

The media was enraged that Trump was sensible enough to realize what had happened. HE COULD HAVE BEEN WRONG! Yeah, but he wasn’t. As Trump said, “I should be a newscaster because I called it before the news.”

By Monday morning, Hillary was doing PR work for Islam, calling the culprits “bad guys,” but stressing that “we’re not going to go after an entire religion.” No one had suggested “going after an entire religion,” but I guess you can never be too careful when dealing with all those deplorable, irredeemable Americans. (…)

This is the doubletalk the public has been forced to endure after every terrorist attack.

The morning after the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, NBC’s law enforcement analyst, Jim Cavanaugh, said that his best guess was that the shooter was a person “rooted in white hate movements,” and had picked the club “because it’s a diverse club and he hates diverse people.”

(By which I think he means yours truly! I have the perfect alibi, of course. If I ever found myself in a gay nightclub, I’d be too busy signing autographs to shoot anybody.)