5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer on Hillary Clinton’s rapidly deteriorating health

Steve Sailer writes:

My the way, that’s a major reason so few of her supporters will attend her rallies. Hillary can’t round up a healthy crowd to listen to her orate because advancing decrepitude is depressing, and people don’t want to be around it. (That’s one reason you want to have family rather than just friends. No matter how popular you were in your prime, nobody will want to be around you while you are dying; but one or two of your blood relatives might at least show up.) (…)

Perhaps Trump is dipping Bill Clinton’s range balls at the Trump National Golf Club into some kind of KGB neurotoxin, which would explain the ex-president’s increasing cadaverousness. Even The Onion, which is now owned by Univision, which is owned by Haim Saban, who more or less owns Hillary, recently dared to joke:

Convention Crowd Really Hoping Bill Clinton Breaks Tension With Joke About How Terrible He Looks