5 Feet of Fury

Another INTJ woman talks about Hillary Clinton

I weighed in here a while back.

Imagine if we were more than a statistical nullity!

This could qualify as a bona fide trend…

Personally, I’m incapable of doing some of these things. I could wear a dress made of Alka Seltzer in a swimming pool and no one would describe me as “effervescent”. The emoticon that best represents a strong emotional reaction from me is . My humor skews deadpan and one of my closest friends described me in an essay about our friendship for the late More magazine thusly:

She is all head, I am all heart. Her creativity moves in a linear fashion; mine is a splatter painting. She runs businesses, speaks Arabic, starts websites, calculates tips. All those activities are foreign to me. Aside from being brunettes of the same age, we couldn’t be more different. As a child, when she fought with her mother, she would win arguments by saying, “You’re being illogical.”

I literally used to say that to my mother, and the rest of my family, all the time.

I’m not even a terribly “logical” person — I would fail a formal Logics course, because I find those Old Dead White Men Rules of the rhetorical road irritating; it is just as much a function of my “type” to scream “but WHY are THOSE the rules??” — but that same “WHY??” made me impatient with my mother’s inability to articulate a good reason for doing something inconvenient and quotidian (doing the dishes) while I was doing something far more important (reading.)

Also? Before emoticons were invented, I used to have a lapel pin that said “HAVE A DAY” underneath a .