5 Feet of Fury

An open letter to those Jewish ladies on Facebook who REALLY hate Christians

They are super convinced that the church Trump visited in Detroit is trying to trick Jews in to joining their congregation (or something.)

Wow, then that pastor, and the members of every black or white Protestant church with the word “Zion” in its name, is doing a REALLY bad job because, er, you’ve never met or heard of a Jew who has EVERY joined such a church and neither have I.

These angry, ignorant, bigoted Jewish women remind me of the crazies who used to scream that Harry Potter was going to turn young people on to the occult.

Now, I grew up in the 1970s. I know ALL about pop culture turning people onto witchcraft and Satanism. It happened.

HOWEVER, it never happened with the Harry Potter books.

If you don’t understand this analogy, have someone explain it to you.

I sometimes forget why there are 100 Yiddish words for moron…

As a Catholic, I also understand how annoying it is when people use my/our “stuff” as toys and props. Non-Catholics always want to get married in Catholic churches because the old ones look “cooler.” Idiots wear rosaries for necklaces, get bad Virgin Mary tattoos — and don’t get me started on Santeria.

However, it is also NOT the end of the world.

And this Protestant church CLEARLY just really loves Jews or its ideas of Jews or whatever.

Yes, it could be that they are treating your stuff like Barbie accessories, and you don’t want to be anybody’s hobby or mascot. Makes sense. But I don’t think that is their intention.

Anyhow, don’t worry:

If you really cared about this, you would just go visit this pastor and his congregation and I’m pretty sure that after about 5 minutes, they wouldn’t like Jews as much any more!