5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: Getting the Al-Right wrong

Jim Goad writes:

In what may very well be a desperately flailing attempt to distract the public’s attention from the possibility that she wears scented adult diapers, Clinton has lately gone Full Godwin on Trump, unleashing a shamelessly sensational fear-mongering one-minute ad linking him to the KKK and David Duke. The ad also features the perennially erudite Jared Taylor being horrifyingly sensible. (…)

[I]t needs to be stressed that “Alt-Right” has no fixed meaning. Its self-identified members often spend more time engaged in ideological-purity pissing contests with one another than they do banding together to fight Cultural Marxism. You have the gay Jew dismissing the neo-Nazi, who dismisses the gay Jew as a “Faggot Kike.” You have the Catholic traditionalists clashing like stag beetles against the Nietzschean atheists. You have elitists versus populists. You have irreverent peddlers of Pepe the Frog concentration-camp memes alongside tweed-swaddled, monocle-wearing scholars who find such crude imagery to be déclassé and counterproductive.

(Speaking of in-fighting, these guys make Taki’s commenters sound like the 14th Zionist Congress.)