5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter calls Trump ‘the Great Unifier’

Ann Coulter writes:

The media’s only move is to quadruple down on the phony “racism” charges. But to accuse Trump of “racism” because he wants to protect jobs for our own poor, working-class and native-born is like squeezing a balloon. His popularity with the employers of nannies and diversity coordinators may be in the dumps, but oh my gosh — look at what’s happening at the other end! It looks like Americans want jobs! (…)

No one really enjoys thinking of himself as a victim. Trump sees Americans as winners and he doesn’t care if you’re black, white, gay or a disabled Eskimo. He’ll bring back jobs for everyone — except the plutocrats outsourcing manufacturing and importing cheap labor while making the rest of us subsidize their foreign workforces.