5 Feet of Fury

NEW Steven Crowder video: ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Debunked! (Man-On-Street)

Steven Crowder writes:

If you’re reading this, you probably know the difference between an automatic and a semi-automatic weapon. You now know more than “common sense gun control” advocates. That’s because you, the fabulous person reading this post, has at least two brain cells to rub together to form a cogent thought.

Which makes you seven bajillion times smarter than the average anti-gun loon, who knows as much about guns as a lobster knows quantum physics.

Therefore we’re exposing just how little anti-gun ninnies (who vote) don’t know. It’s frankly a little bit scary.

As in holy crap, hide under a blanket.

Ignorance thy name is leftism. The more anti-gun the moron, the more vocal that moron seems to be.