5 Feet of Fury

‘It’s time for Morrissey’s periodic turn as a subject of two minutes’ hate’

Nicholas James Pell writes:

In the early ’90s, Morrissey traded in his wilting wallflower persona for something far more muscular. He draped himself in the Union Flag, sported Saint George’s Cross tees, and starting singing odes to skinheads, boxers, and working-class violence. “The National Front Disco” is sometimes alleged to be about David Bowie’s flirtation with fascism, though if anything it’s an exercise in plausible deniability while singing about British nationalism. Morrissey has stated that “If the National Front were to hate anyone, it would be me,” but has also said that right-wing anger “is simply their anger at being ignored in what is supposed to be a democratic society.”

Morrissey is also pissed about all the luvvie Brexit bashing going on.

Lots more on Morrissey’s Mexican fandom here. (Grab a coffee.)