5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer on Milwaukee: ‘There’s something not quite right with Wisconsin blacks’

I don’t agree. These were the ones who finally cottoned on (sorry) that they should burn down other people’s neighbourhoods… Save the weaves!

Anyhow, Sailer writes:

For instance, that Wisconsin blacks usually score the lowest in the nation on the federal National Assessment of Educational Progress tests of public school students. And the white-black gap on the NAEP is larger in Wisconsin than anywhere other than Washington, D.C.

Moreover, the black-white imprisonment ratio in Wisconsin is an extraordinarily high 11.5 to 1. That’s the second-highest of the 50 states, behind only New Jersey (12.2 to 1) and just ahead of Iowa (11.1), Minnesota (11.0), and Vermont (10.5).

And blacks in Wisconsin are 9.0 times more likely than the overall population to use welfare, the worst ratio in the country.

Normally, the press would blame the problems of Wisconsin blacks on racist Republican rednecks. Yet Wisconsin is a moderately liberal Northern state that hasn’t voted for a Republican presidential nominee since Ronald Reagan’s landslide in 1984.