5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: Can Muslims be shamed as easily as, say, white folks?

David Cole writes:

What would happen if a German “citizen journalist” armed with a video camera waded into the masses of refugees to ask one simple question: Do you think “the Jews” lied about the Holocaust? You ask 1,000 AliAliOxenfrees that question, and you’ll probably get at least two-thirds of them answering, “Yes!” Now, German law demands that any expression of Holocaust denial be punished by either imprisonment or deportation (if the denier isn’t a German citizen). So it would be a win-win all around. (…)

People of my generation might recall the hugely successful “Sun City” all-star protest album/song/video/campaign, but if you ask the average forty- or fiftysomething what it was about, you’ll probably be told that it was an “antiapartheid” crusade. Not entirely. The song was a protest against compromise. Sun City was at the time a resort in an independent black Bantustan, a place where apartheid rules were not enforced, a place where the races could mix and make merry as equals. The purpose of the “I’m not gonna play Sun City” campaign was to say, “No half measures, no gradual degrees of change, no compromise. Apartheid must be gone everywhere at once or we’ll continue to make sure every white lives in shame.” And man alive, did it ever work. Compare that with how whites deal with Muzzies these days, applauding every insignificant half measure designed to placate critics of Islamic gender apartheid.