5 Feet of Fury

Sailer: Trump’s ‘lack of verbal fluency’ is precisely what inoculated him from p.c.

Steve Sailer writes:

While Turks believe that he who can improvise the most convoluted conspiracy theory (some of which turn out to be bizarrely true) has proved himself the smartest guy in the room, affluent Americans take pride in their honed ability to smoothly articulate the inane rationalizations required to obscure our blatant social realities. When individuals routinely have their careers wrecked for letting slip truths, nimble glibness is admired. (…)

For example, one pressing public-policy question of the day is: What are the main causes of Muslim terrorism? Now, an Ockhamite might surmise that one useful answer is:


But the respectable answer in 2016 isn’t supposed to be anything that blunt. In particular, any acceptable explanation must include the six-syllable word “Islamophobia.”

Logically, Islamophobia sounds like it would be an effect of Islamic terrorism rather than a cause.

But logic hasn’t been the goal in 21st-century America. Status is. Repeating the word “Islamophobia” demonstrates that you have been to college, or at least that you watch talking heads on TV who have been to college.

And that’s what really counts.