5 Feet of Fury

When an artist finds his muse… Kurt Schlichter on Trump has been a delight this summer

Kurt Schlichter writes:

The primaries are over and Trump is the nominee, and instead of whining about it like a Millennial faced with having to get a job we need to step back and ask ourselves if we have learned anything from this bizarre turn of events. The GOP – our GOP – has nominated someone who is not a traditional conservative. He’s not even an untraditional conservative. Hell, there’s probably not even a “c” or a “v” in whatever he is.


So what have we learned about ourselves? Maybe that many of us are snobs. There’s a lot of class warfare going on here, a lot of backroom snark, with a lot of conservatives who want to believe that the only people who could ever support Donald Trump are knuckle-dragging morons who can’t cut it when it comes to anything besides digging ditches. Too many of us choose cultural solidarity with the liberals we live among over political solidarity with the people we expected to vote with us.

I am a free trader, btw. I am the one screaming, “Go train on computers, dummy!” (you have to read the whole thing, above), not to mention, “Throw those buggy whips from your cold dead hands!”

I need to track it down, but there is an indelible and fairly recent John Stossel thing where he interviews people who lost their factory jobs after 20 or 30 years because of free trade blabbity blah. Now obviously it, like everything ever, is edited to suit his stance, but many of the ex-factory workers say stuff like (paraphrase) “This finally made me go back to school/start my own business, and I’m much happier now. Working in a factory sucks.”

So I’ll find it and will likely be reposting it a LOT after Trump’s inaugural.

I grew up in a factory town. You’ll see, guys. You’ll see.

BUT in the meantime, yeah:

It suddenly occurs to me that this whole Great Re-Sorting thing has been a particular boon to certain Never Trumpers like Damian Penny. You know, giving even a Newfie a chance to finally get to feel like a smug snob!?!

Now THAT’S populism!