5 Feet of Fury

By all means, let’s discuss Joseph Welch…

Trump has likely overplayed his hand with that Muslim Marine’s parents.

That said, let’s continue to challenge liberals’ LIFE magazine/Hollywood movie view of history:

Most famously, in the so-called Army-McCarthy hearings, Army attorney Joseph Welch called out McCarthy on live television, when McCarthy tried to smear a young lawyer on Welch’s staff. Welch memorably replied:

“You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”


Likewise with the face-value quote of Army Counsel Joseph Welch’s lachrymose denunciation of McCarthy for allegedly having outed Welch assistant Frederick Fisher as a former member of the National Lawyers Guild, an officially cited Communist front. Omitted from this Welchian morality play—and apparently unknown to Kessler, since he says nothing of it—is that Fisher had already been outed to the press and public as a former member of the Guild—by none other than Joe Welch, six weeks before this set-to with McCarthy.