5 Feet of Fury

Journalist: Your moral and intellectual superiors — with bonus “Todayz Greatest Thing EVAR”

I’m listening to Adam Carolla and he starts off by talking about Tom Shales.

That particular TV critic was once pretty powerful.

He gave a nasty review of The Man Show back in 2001 that was really more of a review of Carolla, and a slam at the show’s “macho” sensibility.

Today, Carolla says: “Someone tweeted me that Shales got fired from his job and now might be almost homeless, and I thought, good. (…) I think Tom is gay and I think he was attracted to me, based on a tug-on-the-ponytail schoolyard approach.”

And yeah, here’s the new story.

Har. Maybe he could go live in one of Carolla’s 14 cars.