5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column on Ilana Mercer’s new Trump book

I forecast moderate to heavy “JOOOOOOOZ!!!” for some reason…

But my pet issue is free speech, and on that I simply can’t abide Trump. Not when his gut reaction to the aborted terror attack on an exhibit of “Muhammad cartoons” in Garland, Tex., was basically “Why draw pictures like that in the first place?”

Even (both) attacks’ target, Pamela Geller, has forgiven Trump for that one. So has Mercer, who told me via email, “Trump has been learning on the fly…. He made up for Garland, for me, with the Muslim ban.”

I hear that a lot. My response? The only correct, instinctive response to the whole “Muhammad cartoons” “controversy” is: Hand me a pencil.

That isn’t something a grown man should have to “learn.” Along with his threats to beef up American libel laws rather than leading the tort reform revolution the country so obviously needs—no, I will never trust Trump on these all-important matters.