5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column: Trudeau goes to Auschwitz

Oh, please!? How could I not?

Because as I review my back catalog, I’m forced to admit that Justin has, in fact, been rather good for (my) business. Here I was, typing this very column up on Sunday afternoon, when I noticed that “Auschwitz” was trending on Twitter. And wouldn’t you know it? Trudeau had just toured the site! Visions of plotzing Taki’s commenters danced in my head!

Unfortunately for my purposes, “The prime minister spent nearly three hours walking through the camp without saying much,” which might be a new personal best.

Also a nice change? Trudeau’s wife wasn’t with him, because otherwise she might have insisted on “singing” a not-so-little ditty she’d composed especially for this solemn occasion and you think I’m kidding, right?