5 Feet of Fury

‘My dad was the doctor who killed Elvis with Demerol; respect for pharmaceuticals is in my genes’

David Cole writes:

But I also know that the minute you’re told that a lie is necessary because the ends justify the means, you need to resist, because you’re in the presence of a charlatan, regardless of that person’s credentials. (…)

Frankly, I wasn’t that interested in contacting Dr. Martucci, because I felt I already had a decent enough column without doing so. But then I learned a fascinating detail. In 2015, Martucci wrote a book titled—get this—Back to the Breast: Natural Motherhood and Breastfeeding in America. Wait…hold the phone. This is the person who advocates that doctors and public health officials stop using the term “natural” in relation to breastfeeding. WTF? She used it in the title of her own damn book!

Okay, now I was too curious not to reach out.