5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: ‘…to make karmic amends for any role I might have played in encouraging false flag mania…’

David Cole writes:

I’ll outline just a few reasons why this kind of thinking is sloppy, wrong, and counterproductive. (…)

The list also claims that the Reichstag fire was a “false flag.” That’s sheer pseudohistory. Very few historians still believe that the Nazis were behind the fire; most agree that communist agitator Marinus van der Lubbe was the sole arsonist. (…)

Speaking of Lanza, another “proof” is that he was supposedly too small to adequately handle a firearm. The San Bernardino killer’s family attorney mirrored this sentiment when calling false flag in the case of female shooter Tashfeen Malik: “She’s probably about 90 pounds, so it’s unlikely she could even carry a weapon or wear some type of a vest or do any of this. It just doesn’t make sense for these two to be able to act like some kind of Bonnie and Clyde or something.”

Too petite to be like Bonnie Parker? Parker was 4-foot-10, 90 pounds. But what are facts to a false flaggot?