5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column, about the Underground Railroad for lobsters (and veganism in general)

How, I ask you, can the comments the comments possibly be “JOOOOOO!!!!”-y this week? HOW…?

Of course, in those days, we also sat around and laughed about the “loony left’s” embarrassing stunts—the “Baa, baa black sheep” episode had made it all the way across the pond—and agreed that this “political correctness” nonsense was obviously just a fad. (Hell, maybe even a CIA plot to discredit us. Hadn’t we all seen A Very British Coup?)

I kept my certainty to myself that this whole “vegan” thing—Cheese has feelings! Eggs are people too!!—was itself another kooky craze, like organic menstrual sponges and “industrial culture.”

So hey, did you hear about the Canadian lady who “rescued” the lobster?