Mean racist whites have been saying for decades that affirmative action at the college level is bad for blacks. While not unique to blacks, they are particularly susceptible to the phenomenon of finding themselves no longer the big intellectual fish when they leave their small school pond.
(PS: As documented at this very blog for 15+ years, what starts out as “right wing racism” often finds its way into mainstream media, albeit too late…)
Colleges eager to make their campuses look “diverse” lure these students into the Ivy Leagues, and disasters can ensue. This girl’s situation just happened to make the newspapers.
When she was reunited with her mom at the police station, LaCreis Kidd was reassuring.
“You don’t have to explain anything,” she told her only child. “An investigator told me you might be stripping. Even if you’re a stripper, you’re gonna be the best stripper out there.”
Kidd wrote that she has no plans to return to school. Instead, she wants to make music and work on her writing and modeling careers.
“I always told myself I needed to find gratification through academia, but now I want to find it on my own through the arts,” she wrote. “I finally broke down because I was living a life I thought I should be living instead of living the life I want.”
Multiple news outlets reported that Kidd was attending Columbia on a full scholarship. In a recent story, The Washington Post’s Nick Anderson chronicled the burdens facing lower-income students in the Ivy League. Despite having their tuition paid for, many are nonetheless stymied by high costs of living, and feel socially alienated from their wealthy peers.