5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column on, what else but ‘The Elbow Incident’

Comments? “JOOOOOO!!!!”-y? How? But they’ll find a way, no doubt…

Alas for, well, this column, “three’s a trend,” not two. But having no such professional scruples, amateur journalists from Victoria to St. John’s gleefully reposted this photo of Ghomeshi and Trudeau looking chummy as shit, along with an #Elbowgate hashtag and cheeky “We’re feminists!” captions.

So bonus points to this guy, who unearthed this less familiar item (and potential alternative to syrup of ipecac) courtesy of Radio-Canada circa 2012:

Justin Trudeau telling fellow panelist Jian Ghomeshi that he’s handsome, and Trudeau’s wife egging him on to kiss Ghomeshi. I’m proud to say I don’t speak more than a dozen words in French, so I’m unable to report whether or not it was before or after that exchange that Justin smooched the openly gay host of the show on the lips. (All at taxpayers’ expense, natch.)