5 Feet of Fury

‘Here’s the real message of O.J.’s life’

During the second half of the 20th Century, white Americans became extraordinarily favorably disposed toward black Americans, but blacks kept letting whites down.

That’s Sailer, as it this:

“First names that begin with D are kind of a black pride thing these days, kind of like certain first names that begin with J are a Jewish pride thing lately (e.g., Joshua). “Dante” is a good choice for black parents who want to signal black pride to other blacks via a D name without sounding ghetto (Dantevious, however …). The cultural connotations of “Dante” are as classy as possible.”

Alas, this presumes most blacks (and even whites) know who “Dante” was… Hell, my (white) Grade 10 history teacher said he wrote The Canterbury Tales and I had to correct her…

Anyhow, anyone interested in eavesdropping on “a frank discussion about race” in “a nation of cowards” could do worse than grab a coffee and browse the comments. Fascinating stuff, including this: