5 Feet of Fury

James E. Miller: ‘There is no libertarian moment’

James E. Miller writes:

Reason magazine, that libertine crack rag, just can’t let the libertarian moment go. Headline after headline is tagged with “libertarian moment,” inserting freedom where it doesn’t belong. Cam Newton’s “dab” dance? Libertarian moment. Beyoncé’s new hate whitey album? Libertarian moment. Millennials confused about our two-party system? Libertarian moment.

It’s so bad that Nick Gillespie could step on a pile of dog shit and abstract an impending Gary Johnson administration from it.

A little thing called frustrated nationalism got in the way.

Donald Trump lit the fuse of the 21st century’s biggest powder keg: uncontrolled migration from the Third World into the West.

Me in the comments:

“Rugged individualism is not a solution to blue-collar Joe losing his job to a Hispanic illegal earning a quarter of his wage.”

Well, maybe if blue-collar Joe had been more of a rugged individualist, he wouldn’t have settled for that crap job in the first place?

A lot of great stuff here — and yes, we need to keep shouting that Uber and Elon Musk et al are ALSO on the govt teat — but I’m temperamentally and personally libertarian even though I’m forced to admit that, like feminism, it wasn’t and can’t be “meant” for everyone.