5 Feet of Fury

The Great Sorting continues, ‘Renegade Jew’ chapter

According to the Main Stream Media consensus, Breitbart.com, a site named after a Jew (Andrew Breitbart) whose CEO and President Larry Solov is an Orthodox Jew, is now an openly anti-Semitic publication.

Its sin: posting an article by well-known Jewish conservative David Horowitz accusing another Jewish conservative, Bill Kristol, of being a “Renegade Jew” for opposing Trump.

Horowitz’s argument: the “Never Trump” movement weakens the GOP, which he says is all that stands “between the Jews and their annihilation, and between America and the forces intent on destroying her”

VDare helpfully rounds up the reaction.

John Podhoretz plays the “shonda” card and everything!

I saw this story headlined at GotNews yesterday and was like, Man, I just can’t cope with whatever the hell this is.

But I guess I have to get up to speed.

But if the Republican Party is all that stands “between the Jews and their annihilation,” then everybody better get those attics soundproofed, pronto.