5 Feet of Fury

David Cole on the disintegration of Friends of Abe (and no, he wasn’t the leak, and no, it wasn’t about Trump)

David Cole writes:

Yet even in the face of their own nagging doubts, journalist after journalist went with the “Trump divisiveness” angle. They went with it because, naturally, Trump stories get hits. One reporter told me that within 24 hours of running the story, it had displaced Prince’s death as the paper’s most read online piece. Think about it: Trump torpedoing Gary Sinise’s little underground haven for right-wing entertainers had more traction than the death of Prince. I don’t even like Prince and I find that offensive. (…)

FOA’s internal emails tell the story of an organization that was just begging for an audit (or even a criminal investigation). (…)

Next on the list, expect Glenn Beck to blame Trump for the collapse of his “empire.”

I actually saw a LOT of stories exploring the “audit” angle, so I can’t agree with Cole that “only one” media outlet ran with it.

Also? Since his central metaphor is The Producers, well, you know how I feel about that.

Notice how the rise of Trump has prompted so many conservative institutions to start tattling on each other’s finances and other normally sub rosa stuff?

For example, this guy says The Center for Immigration Studies is funded by some Planned Parenthood guy — I had no idea — and they’re using that to go after them for publishing Jason Richwine:

If you’re interested, later pages show that immigrants have more kids than natives, which explains why more immigrants are eligible for programs like WIC and Medicaid. It’s not that immigrants are some drag on society. It’s that they’re having the babies that are the future of society.

And that’s why CIS is doing this. As a population control group, they want fewer babies in America. And they’re so desperate to push that agenda, they’ll associate with the “alt right” racists to get there.

They’ve even illustrated the story with a concentration camp photo!

Previously, I posted this revealing Z-Man thing about the think tank and magazine “rackets.”

And, funnily enough, a lot of them are now being investigated under a kind of RICO thing, as part of a semi-hilarious, infuriating yet kind of ingenious scheme to punish them for being global warming deniers.

See also “The coming end of BuzzFeed…” etc and “The Death of PJTV.”

All in all, the big shakeup is gruesomely fun to watch from up here, I’ll say that.