Why yes, the same people who bitch about “heavily edited” Planned Parenthood videos create their OWN heavily edited videos — that are, in fact, WAY more heavily edited. Liberals: It’s Different When They Do It!
Gavin McInnes writes:
Of course, the editing and voice-over are only the beginning. They had a team of researchers handling The Daily Show’s side of the argument. In the interview, the producer Stacey Angeles had her iPad ready to further Google any contradictions. “I want my information to be correct,” barked Minhaj at her when he appeared to be losing. His lap had a pile of notes on it, but they weren’t sufficient. They also had weeks afterward to carefully select a morsel that makes their argument look good. In the end, they were forced to pretend my joke was serious and put all their eggs in that basket. It was everything they accuse James O’Keefe of doing. (…)
Diversity is our strength and the white male patriarchy needs to be eradicated. We live in a racist, transphobic, homophobic, and sexist country. All you need to do to make this argument is spend a ton of money and hire a bunch of white dudes to make it so. I have a feeling the people in charge of this show know that what they’re doing is wrong, but I doubt they recognize it for what it really is: a privilege.