5 Feet of Fury

‘…the racial pandering of Barry Goldwater’???

Does Jonathan Chait mean the Barry Goldwater who, among other things, desegregated his Arizona department stores long before he was legally required to do so?

Is it possible that Chait doesn’t know that, or he does and is pretending not to?

Which is worse?

Anyway, here’s James Kirkpatrick at VDARE:

There’s nothing about Trump’s message which is opposed to “conservatism” at its most primal level. Trump wants to preserve the cultural existence of the American nation-state. Conservatism Inc. defends “conservatism” as a word, but has utterly lost touch with the people they are supposed to defend. For all their invocations of “principle,” they appear entirely self-interested and corrupt.

Now, the Republican base has caught on. They have chosen to displace the Beltway Right entirely. And they don’t want the same old goofy slogans—but a nationalist movement that will actually fight for them.