5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: A Handy Guide to Popular Social Justice Hashtags (And What They Really Mean)

Jim Goad writes:

Octogenarian Hebraic billionaire and NBA basketball team owner Donald Sterling became America’s most hated man in 2014 when his mixed-race mistress released audio snippets of him begging her to quit bringing black guys to home games of his LA Clippers. Taken in context, his comments are more those of a cuckold than a bigot—he tells her it’s OK to sleep with black guys, just don’t embarrass him by showing up in public with giant grinning Mandingo studs when you’re pretending to be his mistress, OK? One even feels a smidge of pity for the sclerotic sports mogul. Even though a subsequent tape release showed his double-crossing mistress V. Stiviano making far more damning comments about blacks than Sterling did, he was forced to sell his team and must now hide from black people for the rest of his life.