5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column: Kitty Genovese — The global warming of crime

The comments will be super “JOOOOOO!!!!”-y because of the NYT editor who ran herd on this story and never let it go…

Even more so than the reporter whose byline appears on the original, radioactive story, the Timesman responsible for animating Zombie Kitty was then metro editor (and later executive editor) Abe Rosenthal. Already a Pulitzer Prize winner, the former teenage communist became obsessed with a chummy police commissioner’s overblown, possibly boozy description of the murder.

And so another destructive liberal lie was born, a sort of War of the Worlds (P.S. also a lie) in reverse.

Rosenthal died in 2006, well into the era of Genovese revisionism, but you could almost say the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Guardian of Zion recipient “didn’t want to get involved.” In fact, he doubled down.