5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column, about the Munk Debates: ‘An evening with the ‘Rape me first, kill me last’ crowd’…

Comments? Schama alone = “JOOOOOOOO!!!!!”-yness. (There is one already, helpfully dissecting Schama’s Ashkenazi vs. Sephardic DNA.)

(UPDATE: Someone called me “Draidle Bagel”!)


As I write this, 48 hours later, I have finally calmed down. And that’s why—sorry not sorry—I will NOT watch the entire debate again in the name of accuracy. “Accuracy” was not a priority for the two pro-refugee debaters, so they and everyone else can go screw.

Now: Even I’m not egomaniacal enough to think that, in the longish history of the wannabe prestigious Munk Debates, I’ve been the only heckler, ever. However, I will dare to venture that I’ve been the only sober one. I refuse to apologize, and could, but won’t, plead “I clearly don’t get out much” as my alibi. The future of the West is at stake. Surely a few (okay, a lot of) hisses and “tsk”s are forgivable? And, uh, a couple of “What the fuck?”s too?

The debate was carried live on C-SPAN. Lord and Lady Black sat two seats to my left, row A. Neither fact prevented me from bellowing “DEARBORN???!!!!” at (a subsequently rattled) Schama after he—I wish I were lying—upheld that toxic Michigan “-stan” as an exemplar of peaceful, productive Muslim assimilation.

UPDATE: Mark Steyn rounds up reactions, here.

(I love how he includes a VERY poorly timed tweet by Muslim change denier Jonathan Kay… )

UPDATE: His mom, Barbara, writes in the National Post:

I took one look at Steyn’s glowering face after that remark — Schama will regret having said it to his dying day, I know it — and I kind of felt sorry for those two liberals, because I knew what was coming.

BONUS: For those who’ve never see The Bride of Frankenstein (and shame on you, by the way…) and therefore couldn’t completely appreciate my description of Schama…