5 Feet of Fury

One for the ‘Look! Things are finally starting to turn around!’ people… (Sorry…)

A Nation of Victims (1992) was a lot of people’s gateway drug to the Right (along with Intellectuals.)

The title says it all; it was about SJWs before there were “SJW”s.

As I’ve said for a long time, the War Against Political Correctness has been going on since PC started.

That book was one of the weapons on the anti- side.

Now, Ilana Mercer writes:

In the 1990s, broadcaster Charles Sykes wrote an important book called “A Nation of Victims: The Decay of the American Character.”

Fast forward to 2016, and Mr. Sykes is defending a character on grounds he once rejected in his trailblazing book.

When Mr. Sykes lamented “The Decay of the American Character,” no reader was under the impression it was the mettle of reporter Michelle Fields he was hankering for and hoping to see restored. (…)

The Sykes book I devoured in the 1990s would never have countenanced such unbecoming conduct, would never have demanded that a man be brought to heel for defending an imperiled presidential candidate.

Now, the New Mr. Sykes was asserting on anti-Trump TV that a real man would apologize to a woman.

Did Sykes mean to say a real man would cop to a physical assault he did not commit, based on a woman’s say-so?

No! Real men affirm reality.

Speaking of which, here is Gavin McInnes:

I see a woman gingerly moved out of the way, while almost everyone I know sees a woman being assaulted.

Ben Shapiro quit his job at Breitbart because they weren’t supportive enough of Fields, and Dana Loesch and Greg Gutfeld appear to be equally outraged at the Trump camp. I like all these people more than a friend and can’t understand how they’re seeing something I can’t. I had Shapiro on my show to discuss it and his response was “Oh, so you’re admitting she was touched, you just don’t see it as a big deal.” I said, “Exactly,” because that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s okay for people to touch each other. In fact, though the law states any unwanted touch can technically be called assault, there are special exceptions for crowded areas where someone is impeding your ability to get where you’re going.