5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: ‘…attacking the Reagans for not ‘doing more’ about AIDS in the early 1980s is revisionist history’

Of course, “revisionist history” is the only kind of “history” the left has, but…


From the earliest days of the epidemic, a vocal, hardcore group of North American gay advocates refused to admit that there was an epidemic. In fact, a widely held belief was that the “gay cancer” was a hoax being spread by homophobes in order to stop gays from enjoying themselves. “The Gay Cancer scare: If fear of the dreaded disease has stopped you from having sex lately, then the corporate media have put one over on you again,” proclaimed the influential gay-rights publication The Body Politic (ranked the 17th-most influential magazine in Canadian publishing history) in October 1981. According to the editors of that esteemed publication, the “gay cancer” was getting more publicity than it should, and more money than needed…

I’ll have to check to see if The Body Politic received any of your tax dollars to exist and distribute itself, and this message.

And as I posted a short time ago, gay men refused to alter their promiscuous and therefore deadly lifestyles because freedom.