5 Feet of Fury

‘Last Friday night in Chicago, young black people stopped killing one another long enough to help shut down a Donald Trump rally’

Jim Goad writes:

The idea that Donald Trump creates chaos and violence and public unrest is a case of sick, massive projection on the part of leftist interlopers who have been conditioned for a few generations to believe they can publicly defecate on everything they hate and not expect even one soft puff of blowback, lest they file discrimination lawsuits and hate-crime charges. And they justify their behavior just like every True Believer lemming in history does—because they’re fighting the “good fight” and the ends justify the means.

Therefore, when the inevitable blowback comes, they shouldn’t cry—but they will. And it will be music to my ears.


Holy shit, that’s it! At the one minute mark, above. Everyone who showed up to hear Trump: file a class action “civil rights” case against MoveOn.org. Yes, they have deep Soros pockets — but at least see what happens.