5 Feet of Fury

This is why I can never get 100% behind VDH

He’ll ruin an otherwise good column with stuff like “Trump was bragging about the size of his dick.”

Yeah, AFTER Rubio made a joke about it.

When someone can’t keep this basic chronology straight, it leaves a little pebble of doubt in my shoe about the rest of what they’ve written.

PLUS despite living surrounded by crazy Mexicans who have basically destroyed the land his ancestors built, VDH STILL won’t go full fury.

The best he’ll do is something like this, which is still needed but, let’s face it, a bit “thanks for coming out”:

If your experience with illegal immigration is hiring and patronizing with a daily “Buenas tardes” a José Garcia, your skilled, dependable—and rather inexpensive—gardener, or  navigating around the political-correctness of an upper-middle-class diversity officer on campus or at work, then you are likely to embrace the Jeb Bush idea that illegal immigration is an “act of love.” That is an inexpensive and easily arrived at position—but not so if you are middle class and lack the romance of the poor and the influence and money of the well off.

If you do your own lawn and clean your own home, or you live and school among the lower middle classes, and your job is always in jeopardy, then even Trump’s vulgarity on issues is proof that he “cares” while the calm perspective of Jeb Bush, or an earlier incarnation of Marco Rubio, or the sermons of John Kasich can come across as crass indifference.

For half the week, I live at ground zero of Trump’s so-called poor white support, such as it is in blue California, and half the week I am with his critics on the Stanford campus. Aside from logic and to be crude, class is the chief divide that reveals attitudes about Mr. Trump. “Comprehensive immigration reform” for elites is a catchword that your children are not going to schools with Mexican illegal immigrants, who are not all dreamers but often include at least a few quite dangerous gang members. I know open-borders advocate Mark Zuckerberg’s kids will not enjoy a diverse Redwood City immigrant experience. (Why exactly has he stealthily bought up his surrounding neighborhood and staffed it with private security teams to adjudicate whom he sees while entering and leaving his compound?)

What’s the difference between mainstream right wing columnists like VDH and the folks at Taki’s and VDare?

Usually about 5 to 10 years and 10x more readers.

Why not just read Taki’s and VDare now and see what the other guys will be writing about (for more money) a decade from now?

PS: No, I don’t have a Taki’s column this week — just too busy and burnt out to write one. But I’ll be back next week.