5 Feet of Fury

I got paid by Joseph Farah and WND, thanks to the lawyers at Freedom X!

As regular readers know, “conservative Christian” Joseph Farah of WND owed me US$2150 — nearly 3-grand Canadian — going back to September.

(Farah must be one of those Protestants who pretends the Epistle of James isn’t part of the canon…)

I nagged WND via email (which was nothing new…)

Then I named and shamed them here, in WND’s comment section, and across social media.

Some of you helped — thank you!

(PS: I also heard from other writers who’d had the same experience with WND…)

By chance, I was talking shop with Robert Spencer of JihadWatch. He’d once had a similar problem elsewhere, and had gotten a lawyer to write a letter to the deadbeats. It worked! So Spencer gave me the name of the law firm:

Freedom X.

The lawyer I spoke to was terrific. I hired him to send a letter to WND and whatever he said, it worked!

In about a week, the entire amount arrived, via courier, no less!

(I don’t know if Americans have that “Start the car! Start the CAR!!!” IKEA ad down there, but that was me to Arnie after I came up from the mail room.)

And hiring Freedom X cost less than I expected. I was left with a very healthy balance of the owed amount.

If you go to the Freedom X website, you’ll see all the cool causes they are involved in: campus speech codes, creeping sharia… It’s amazing.

Thanks to Robert Spencer for introducing me to Freedom X, and to the lawyers there for their work on my behalf!