5 Feet of Fury

I’m sure it is just a coincidence that the Guardian’s touting this report…

After it turned out that a big “Islamophobic” murder in England turned out to be — shocka! — nothing of the kind.


It also finds that almost half of rightwing attacks in Britain over recent years were partly motivated by the murder of Lee Rigby – a wave of violence that ranges from arson attacks through to bombings of Islamic centres.

Analysing 31 European countries, researchers found there had been 124 individuals involved in 98 attacks or plots over a 15-year period.

Gee, I wonder what happened fifteen years ago to spark such a (ok, measly…) “wave” of anti-Muslim sentiment…? Let’s see now…

By the way:

Seeing the photo of whatshisname the Guardian picked for this story — Michael Coren’s next big move will be to take back everything he ever wrote about that guy and say that, yeah, he WAS a rightwing Christian terrorist, and all the people on our side (Geller, Steyn) that were namechecked in his manifesto WERE partially responsible for his crimes.

I see the massacre took place on July 11, 2011 so that means this year Coren can write a “five years on” piece for, say, the National Post.