I actually think he’s mentally ill, but I’ll accept “retarded” as well…
(Although Gavin is wrong about those “No Irish” signs.)
Kanye’s IQ first became an integral part of popular culture when he blurted out that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” during a Katrina PSA with Mike Meyers in 2005. It was a remarkably naive thing to say considering the National Guard saved a good 50,000 lives during that storm, 17,000 of which were rescued by air. Sure, FEMA screwed up, but that’s big government’s fault. The military and the countless white volunteers were consistently thwarted by black looters and criminals taking advantage of the chaos. The reporting on this event is remarkably left-wing, but we’re still hearing stories of blacks raping whites in the Superdome (I also heard locals talk about white rescuers having their boats stolen mid-rescue but can’t confirm). (…)