5 Feet of Fury

‘The time Jerry Rubin got totally shut down by a little old lady on TV ‘

Even as a kid, I realized that Jerry Rubin was “the guy the Donohue chase producers booked when Abbie Hoffman couldn’t make it.”

The politics at DangerousMinds is/are mostly exerable, but I keep reading because they dig up this crap.

Note that among the many things that never change (even though they kept/keep telling us “the times, they are” etc, is that pro-pot advocates are the worst spokespersons for their own cause.

About that Dorothy: she wasn’t just any little old lady—she was a career ass-kicker. Dorothy Fuldheim was and remains a widely admired Cleveland legend, a broadcasting lifer and pioneer for women in newsrooms who’s acknowledged as the first female TV news anchor. Her utterly unbelievable highlight reel included one-on-one interviews with Adolf Hitler (Fuldheim was Jewish), Albert Einstein, Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, and Jimmy Hoffa, and she didn’t retire until age 91, when a stroke she suffered shortly after interviewing Ronald Reagan (make of that what you will) made it impossible for her to continue working. She died in 1989, and was recently the subject of a Drunk History segment that you should probably just go ahead and watch right now.