5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter: ‘For my best birthday gift this week, Donald Trump called for blocking Muslim immigration to the United States’

Almost impossible to excerpt this RTWT column, but…

The father, who has been here since 1973 — thanks, Teddy Kennedy! — told an Italian newspaper that he preached moderation to his son, saying it’s not worth fighting Israel, because Russia, China and the U.S. “don’t want Jews there any more.” In “two years,” he assured his son, “Israel will not exist any more.”

So after four decades in American culture, these highly integrated, model immigrants are still clinging to their insane magic potion fantasies.

The senior Farouk didn’t come here to work in some highly complex technical field, like nuclear physics or cell extraction biology. He’s a truck driver. So one American lost his job as a truck driver and 14 Americans lost their lives because of Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act.

PS: I’ve been saying for over 10 years that “the only thing Muslims have contributed to Canada are bad cab rides to the airport.”

In this column, Coulter says something similar but you should check out the video, in case you want more evidence that even the “non-terrorist” Muslims can be belligerent lawless lying creeps (none of whom were smart enough to invent Uber, and now they’re mad. Uber is the “Israel” of Muslim cabbies!)