5 Feet of Fury

What would ‘winning’ look like? My NEW Taki’s column

I have no prediction re: the “JOOOOO!!!!”-yness of the comments…

We have been “winning” [against political correctness] since the beginning, and yet we keep losing.

And what would “winning” look like?

Take my home province:

Our lesbian premier has mandated a new sex-ed curriculum that was co-written by a convicted pedophile and teaches kids, among other things, that there are six genders, not two. Brown and yellow parents protested again and again.

The white premier dismissed them as “bigots.” So did the all-powerful teachers’ union and the other civil servants who got the lesbian premier elected, and will do so next time around.

So: How does having 100,000 Twitter followers, and plenty of fun, fix something like this?

Can we really overthrow society’s self-selecting, multigenerational “progressive” elite—the one that runs the government, education, entertainment, and even the military—or should we focus on constructing a semi-underground counterculture, encompassing everything from homeschooling to self-defense?

And if so, does that turn us into the “safe spacers” we rightly loathe?