5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter: ‘The West’s importation of Stone Age people is a completely self-inflicted wound’

Ann Coulter writes:

Instead of imprisoning criminals, liberal judges in the 1960s decided that we must tackle the “root causes” of crime by addressing PID: poverty, ignorance and disease. To fight crime, we’d deploy welfare, Head Start and school lunch programs!

For the next two decades our streets ran with blood. Americans finally rose up in a blind rage and demanded that criminals be separated from the law-abiding.

Similarly, we wish the best for all the barbaric, misogynistic, pedophilic, illiterate nations of the world. But the main thing we want is for our government to keep them away from us.

Isn’t keeping murderers out of the country literally the least our government can do? America has been pretty generous to the rest of the world, taking in more than twice as many refugees as the rest of the world combined. As Donald Trump says, now we need a “pause.”